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3 Creation Theories – by Gordon Clarke

3 Creation Theories Logic or Mystery which do you prefer?

1- The accepted theory that a singularity a mathematical invention, something (over 100,000 times smaller than a decimal point) supposedly expanded and thereby after more inflated expansion created the entire universe including all of the space.

Since then the reading of redshift as evidence of expansion means that new forces are dreamt of to explain the cause, complication after complication.

2- Previously ‘ Steady State Theory ‘ in which Hydrogen eventually emerged from eternally present space. This then was the building block that the rest of the elements were made from. The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation by Penzias and Wilson was considered to eliminate the Hoyle, Bondi, Gold Theory.

3- New Gravity (The only theory to explain the mechanics of gravity) maintains that space must have always existed to its present extent. In this case motion was created in space itself, this random motion via collisions turns to spin. These spins are now pulling space towards themselves and thus exerting the force we know as gravity.

Since there is no friction in space they spin forever. This gives reason for the redshift of light that on the tiny filament of space travelled it is against the flow of gravity every Inch of the way. No expansion no need of imaginary forces or matter.

New Gravity is the only theory to give a mechanical creation of gravity. Empty space plus a tiny amount of motion are the only things in existence. How could something less than a pin prick create so much space? C.M.B.R. Evidence of incoming inflowing gravity equally from all directions?